Tshega Christian Mission


Making room for sustainability ensures that the dreams we are awakening will have the opportunity to come true. Of course, there are a lot of factors involved but from our side, we want to keep hope alive which can only happen when we become self-sustainable. We currently have two programmes running under Sustainability: TCM Volunteers and Basadi Skills Programme.

TCM Volunteer Programme

The TCM Volunteer Programme creates an opportunity for TCM to host national and international volunteers within our organisation. Answering the call of one of life's most urgent and persistent questions, “What do you do for others?”.

Volunteers bring their valuable insights, love for people and willingness to give of themselves for the greater good. The most esteemed gift TCM can receive from others is a willing heart. We are grateful and blessed to host hearts such as this.  Our volunteers are involved with all programmes within TCM, creating sustainability for the organisation and an impactful experience for themselves, embedded in 1 Peter 4:10,  "As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace ..."

Basadi Skills Programme

Basadi’s heart is to transform vulnerable women into strong independent successful business entrepreneurs who can run sustainable businesses through training. This in turn, will provide an income for a vulnerable family surrounded by villages with up to a 94% unemployment rate. We uplift, encourage, and motivate women in our rural surroundings, as well as our artisans to become positive, productive women, living and walking in their Godly purpose motivated by Proverbs 31:10-13:

 [a] A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.
11 Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.
12 She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life.
13 She selects wool and flax
and works with eager hands.